Clubhanded Radial

Radial clubhand

Club hand is a complex pathological process characterized by disruption of the normal arrangement of the bones of the fingers and associated instability of the joints. There are several forms of this disease - sixth, eighth and tenth: they can be identified by certain signs. According to the method of manifestation of deformation, it is customary to distinguish three types of oblique deformations.


This form of the problem is considered less severe. The drooping of the entire limb is called crookedness, but only the skeleton of the lower part is limited. The sixth type is when relaxation of the elements of the wrist joint leads to complete dislocation and separation of the finger from it. This problem is often accompanied by a host of accompanying symptoms: the presence of psoriasis and other skin pathologies, carpal-calcaneal bursitis. This type of oblique hands is often characterized by the presence of pain associated with any human activity or injury during sleep. Treatment with such a set of measures does not provide a guarantee, since muscle tissue will quickly return to its original state. Most often, such patients undergo tendon plasty followed by rehabilitation to restore the patient’s part of the body’s motor ability. In addition, massage, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are used. If there is atrophy of the hand muscles, the doctor prescribes the patient to wear a special corset. This must be done at the very beginning of the development of the problem or in severe cases of pathology in order to fix the damaged joint in its anatomical position. In this situation, special exercises are indicated that will more effectively return the fingers to their anatomical position.

The seventh type is the presence of only the thumb, which is located incorrectly in space. This disease manifests itself with a strong drooping of the entire forearm relative to the normal position of the hand. The affected thumb protrudes and bends. This situation significantly impairs the ability to perform various manual actions. The patient needs a timely operation that will help restore the processes at the end of the radius bone, which is why their incorrect location occurred. The seventh deformity should be identified by an orthopedic doctor and treated immediately. Sometimes chronic wrist injuries lead to this disease. Diagnosis and subsequent treatment can be prescribed using x-rays. In severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed. After the operation, mandatory rehabilitation is necessary. In this case, a special hand simulator is used. Giving them the right exercises with the correct positioning of the pen while writing will ensure that their hands return to their normal state. It is calculated by the attending physician. Physiotherapy and massage also influence the restoration of treatment success. Rest is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor.