Cola Shiny or Real

Sterculiaceae - Sterculiaceae. Pharmacy name: cola seeds - Colae semen (formerly: Semen Colae). Botanical description.

Slender, powerful evergreen tree with rough leaves up to 25 cm in length. The flowers are collected in lateral multi-flowered panicles; individual fruits reach 12 cm in length and contain from 3 to 10 seeds (the so-called nuts). The birthplace of cola is the tropics of West Africa; the plant is cultivated in many hot countries. Active ingredients: caffeine, theobromine, tannin, starch and a number of other substances.

Healing action and application. Kola nuts in the form of pharmaceutical herbal preparations serve not only as an important stimulant for fatigue, weakness and apathy, but also for migraines and neuralgia.