Cereal Products

Food products obtained from grains of various agricultural crops. The most common cereal products are made from wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, millet, and rice. The nutritional and biological properties of cereals depend on the type of grain crop from which they are produced and the nature of the technological processing. The degree of removal of the grain shells determines the preservation of the vitamins and minerals contained in the cereals, as well as fiber.

Cereal products are a significant source of protein. Buckwheat and oatmeal are particularly high in its content. All types of cereals contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, slightly less in buckwheat and oatmeal, which contain the largest amount of fiber. This allows us to recommend them for feeding older people who are not engaged in physical labor and are prone to obesity. Cereals with minimal fiber content (semolina and rice) are widely used in dietary and baby food, because... They are highly digestible and high in calories.

The following requirements are imposed on all cereal products: they must not have any foreign tastes or odors, the color must correspond to the type of cereal. Nutritional value of various cereals - see tables in the article Nutrition.