Collecting Stuff

Take a bag or small box with you on your walks to store your finds. Look around to see if you come across anything that you could bring home and show to the whole family. For example, you may find a shiny pebble, a beautiful leaf, some thick pod, or an even fatter caterpillar.

Keep in mind that what fascinates your child may seem like trash to you, but if the find is harmless, allow your child to take it with him. When you get home, lay out your finds on the floor or table and look at them carefully. Take out a magnifying glass so your child can get a good look at his treasures in an enlarged form.

In the evening, let him demonstrate them to the rest of the family. Some children may want to collect a collection of unusual pebbles, leaves, or whatever else they like. Give your child a shoebox to store his collection in.