
There are many different toys that attract the attention of children, but only a few of them remain the most favorite for a long time - these are wooden blocks or Lego building blocks and other construction sets where there are no rules and you can improvise. By studying with them, both boys and girls acquire useful skills.

It often happens that you just dump a box of wooden or Lego blocks on the floor, and the child is immersed in the game for several hours. You can tell your child what is best to build, and let him develop your idea. Encourage him to build a race track with tunnels and ramps for toy cars, a city on the moon, a castle as tall as a sofa cushion, a fortress or a secret hideout.

To make the game even more interesting, add cars and other toys to the building structures. Construction kits allow children to express their imagination and get an unforgettable experience from creating their own buildings.