Conversation About Tomorrow

Talk About Tomorrow: How to Help Your Child Plan Their Day

Many parents know that children love to ask what will happen tomorrow. For young children, understanding time can be challenging, but discussing what will happen tomorrow can help them develop planning skills, goal setting, and logical thinking. Additionally, discussing plans for tomorrow can help your child feel more predictable and secure.

Before you put your child to bed, try to discuss how his day went and what awaits him tomorrow. Let your child try to determine what needs to be done the next day. For example, he can figure out what he will eat for breakfast, what games he will play when you leave for work, and what tasks you need to complete. This will help him feel more confident in his actions and develop planning skills.

In addition, discussing plans for tomorrow can help your child prepare for special events. If there is something special coming up the next day, such as a dinner guest or a visit to grandma's, discussing it can help your child prepare for the event and feel more confident.

When making your plan, be sure to include time for fun and relaxation. But don't schedule anything urgent or necessary that could harm your baby, such as a dentist appointment, the night before. Children lack