
An enema is a procedure for introducing fluid through the anus into the rectum. Used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.

Types of enemas

There are the following types of enemas:

  1. Medicinal - used to treat constipation and inflammatory bowel diseases. May contain medicinal substances.

  2. Cleansing - used to empty the intestines before operations, childbirth, and examinations.

  3. Medicinal - for the administration of drugs that are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa.

  4. Nutritious - used when natural nutrition is not possible. Contains nutrients and salts.

  5. Diagnostic - for the administration of contrast agents before x-ray examination.


For an enema, special devices are used: a rubber balloon or a bulb with a tube and tip.

The patient assumes a lateral decubitus position with legs bent. The tip, lubricated with Vaseline, is inserted into the rectum 10-12 cm.

Then the tap opens and liquid begins to flow into the intestines. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to delay the urge to defecate for some time.


Enemas are contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, peritonitis), intestinal obstruction, bleeding.

An enema is prescribed by a doctor, as improper use can be harmful to health.

Enemas for children

Children are prescribed cleansing and therapeutic enemas according to indications. The volume of fluid depends on age. In newborns - 30 ml, at 1-3 months - 60 ml, at 6 months - 120-150 ml.

Before the procedure, consultation with a doctor is required. It is not recommended to give enemas to children frequently and without prescription.

Enema: an effective method of cleaning and treatment

In medical practice, there are many methods of treating and cleansing the body. One of the most famous and widely used methods is the enema. An enema, also known as a colonic lavage, is a procedure in which liquid is introduced into the rectum for cleansing or medical purposes.

Historically, enemas have been used since ancient times. Already in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, methods of intestinal lavage for medicinal purposes were described. The term "enema" comes from the Greek word "klysma", which means "injection". Over time, enemas have become widespread in various cultures and are used as a method of treatment and hygiene.

The main purpose of an enema is to cleanse the intestines of stool, toxins and other unwanted substances. This may be especially helpful for constipation, food poisoning, or before certain medical procedures such as colonoscopies. In addition, enemas can be used to administer medications or solutions, such as to hydrate the colon or relieve inflammation.

There are several types of enemas, each of which has its own characteristics and uses. The most common types include regular enemas using water or solutions, oil enemas, hypertensive enemas, and antiseptic enemas. Each type of enema has its own benefits and can be prescribed depending on the medical need.

Carrying out an enema requires certain skills and caution. It is necessary to use a special enema system, consisting of a reservoir of liquid and a thin tube for insertion into the intestines. The procedure can be performed at home or under the supervision of a medical specialist, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the case.

Despite their effectiveness and widespread use, enemas also have their limitations and potential risks. Improper procedure or incorrect choice of solution can lead to intestinal irritation, damage to the mucous membrane or other undesirable side effects. Therefore, consultation with a medical professional is recommended before using an enema.

In conclusion, an enema is an effective cleansing and healing method that has an ancient history and widespread use in medicine. It can be useful for resolving intestinal problems, cleansing the body of toxins and administering medications. However, performing an enema requires caution and knowledge to avoid unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using an enema, it is recommended to consult a medical professional to ensure that you receive the correct information and instructions for the procedure.

An ancient treatment method, the enema continues to be a relevant and useful tool in modern medicine. Modern technologies make it possible to develop more convenient and safe enema systems, facilitating the procedure and minimizing risks. However, as with any medical intervention, it is important to follow the advice of specialists and be aware of the possible side effects and limitations of an enema.

Overall, an enema is an effective cleansing and treatment method that can be used in a variety of medical situations. It has its advantages and limitations, so it is important to seek advice from a medical specialist to assess the benefits and safety of the procedure in each specific case.