Cope Cardiac Puncture

Kopa is an alternative method of extracting blood from the heart that is becoming increasingly popular among health and lifestyle conscious people. Instead of a traditional procedure called pacing, the coping method also removes excess blood from the body, but it does not cause the same severe side effects as pacing.

Cope operation

Here are the main advantages of the heart coping method:

Simplicity. The procedure is performed through a small incision in the chest area, without the need for instruments or other medical devices. Thanks to this, the duration of the operation is reduced to several minutes and the procedure becomes quick and painless. Reliability. Today, the technique is considered safe and scientifically proven, so doctors are trusted to carry it out. Less risk of complications. After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to his normal life, without any restrictions or difficulties. No need to use artificial ventilation. This avoids the side effects of procedures such as pneumothorax and other complications associated with artificial respiration. Elimination of hypertension. Cope-