Corneal applanation

Today, the most common eye diseases are pathologies of the cornea, which, in terms of the number of registered cases, rank third among all diseases of the organs of vision after inflammatory eye diseases and retinal pathologies. This is due to the high visual fatigue of patients observed with corneal pathologies.

Today, children and young people are on the surgical tables of ophthalmology clinics, although forty years ago it was believed that diseases of the cornea and its surgical interventions were diseases of the age group of about forty years. With age, the elasticity of the corneal tissue is lost, regenerative processes slow down and treatment becomes more difficult. This occurs mainly due to the impact of unfavorable environmental factors on the cornea: atmospheric pollution, flickering of billboards, suboptimal microclimate of industrial and public premises, increased visual stress, the use of various electrical appliances that expose the body to radiation in a wide range of energies.
