Coronary Angioplasty

Coronary Angioplasty is an operation that does not require a thoracotomy; The section of the coronary artery narrowed by atheroma is stretched by introducing an air-filled balloon into it. The operation is performed by cardiac catheterization under x-ray supervision (see Angioplasty). The location of the artery blockage is determined in advance using angiocardiography. Not all narrowed areas can be widened using angioplasty. See also Vascular bypass shunt.

Coronary angioplasty is an operation that does not require a thoracotomy. With it, the section of the coronary artery narrowed by atheroma is stretched by introducing an air-filled balloon into it.

The operation is performed by cardiac catheterization under x-ray supervision (see Angioplasty). The location of the artery blockage is determined in advance using angiocardiography.

Not all narrowed areas can be widened using angioplasty.

See also Vascular bypass shunt.

Angioplasty is a medical term that means surgery on the heart and blood vessels to expand the bloodstream and improve blood supply.

Angioplasty and thrombectomy of the coronary arteries are methods of myocardial revascularization in which a special conductor is inserted into the lumen of the artery - a catheter with a balloon at the end filled with sterile air. The catheter acts as a conductor along which a balloon, inflated to a certain volume, is fed into the artery.

Next, the balloon is located at the site of the narrowing of the vessel, thereby expanding the lumen of the affected area and restoring natural blood flow. The technique is performed only for certain indications and is performed exclusively by an experienced vascular surgeon.

Stent installation is the last stage of revascularization, after which the patient’s myocardial blood supply is normalized. An elastic tube made of a special alloy, that is, the stent itself, is inserted into the lumen of the vessel. Thanks to the stent, the affected area of ​​the artery becomes smooth inside, plaques and other potentially dangerous debris no longer linger on the walls, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle and take care of his health to the fullest.