
Hydropneumoperitoneum is a condition in which fluid and gas accumulate in the abdominal cavity. It can occur for several reasons:

  1. As a result of medical manipulations. For example, during paracentesis (removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity), air can enter the peritoneal cavity through the instrument.

  2. In case of perforation (perforation) of a hollow organ of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, intestinal contents, including gases and liquid, enter the abdominal cavity from the intestinal lumen.

  3. As a result of the proliferation of bacteria in the effusion fluid of the abdominal cavity. Microorganisms, during their life processes, emit gases that accumulate in the peritoneal cavity.

Thus, hydropneumoperitoneum can occur under various pathological conditions and iatrogenic influences. Diagnosis is based on radiation research methods. Treatment depends on the cause and includes abdominal drainage, elimination of the source of gas and fluid, and antibiotic therapy.

Hydropneumoperitoneum is a condition characterized by the presence of both fluid and gas in the peritoneal cavity. This medical condition can be caused by several reasons, including the passage of air through the instrument used to remove fluid from the abdominal cavity, perforation of the digestive tract that allows fluid and gases to leak into the abdominal cavity, and the presence of bacteria in the peritoneal fluid that can produce gases. in the course of its life.

One of the most common cases of hydropneumoperitoneum is its association with medical procedures such as laparoscopy or other abdominal surgery. During these procedures, air can enter the peritoneal cavity, leading to the formation of hydropneumoperitoneum. This gas usually resolves on its own and does not cause serious complications. However, in some cases, large amounts of gas can cause discomfort and put pressure on surrounding organs.

Another cause of hydropneumoperitoneum may be perforation of the digestive tract. Perforation can occur due to various reasons, such as peptic ulcers, tumors, trauma or inflammatory diseases. When perforation occurs, the contents of the digestive tract, including fluid and gases, enter the abdominal cavity, causing hydropneumoperitoneum. This condition requires immediate attention as it can lead to infection and other serious complications.

The third cause of hydropneumoperitoneum is associated with the presence of bacteria in the peritoneal fluid. Bacterial peritonitis is a serious disease in which bacteria enter the abdominal cavity and cause inflammation. As a result of the activity of these bacteria, gases are released that can accumulate in the abdominal cavity, causing hydropneumoperitoneum. Bacterial peritonitis requires immediate treatment with antibiotics and sometimes surgery.

Diagnosis of hydropneumoperitoneum may include various methods, such as abdominal x-rays, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound. Treatment depends on the cause of hydropneumoperitoneum. In the case of hydropneumoperitoneum associated with surgical procedures, specific treatment is usually not required, since the gas resolves on its own. However, if discomfort or complications are severe, drug relief or additional measures may be required.

In case of perforation of the digestive tract, hydropneumoperitoneum requires urgent surgical intervention. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the perforation and remove the contents that have entered the abdominal cavity. Antibiotics and other supportive measures may then be needed to prevent infection and promote healing.

In the case of bacterial peritonitis, caused by the presence of bacteria in the peritoneal fluid, treatment includes antibiotics to fight the infection. In some cases, abdominal drainage may be necessary to remove fluid and gases and to allow drainage of infected material.

Hydropneumoperitoneum is a serious condition that requires medical attention and treatment. If you experience symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, abdominal distension, bowel problems, or other unusual symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of hydropneumoperitoneum can help prevent serious complications and reduce the patient's risk.

Hydropneumopertonitis - clinical recommendations with etiopathogenesis and diagnosis.

Hydropneumopericardium (HP) occurs when fluid penetrates into the heart sac - indirect cardioplegia - or in the presence of a special cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) machine. Direct mechanical effect of the IR compressor on periculitis, as well as depressurization

Hydropneumoperihuiteum (hydrovacuum). hydropneumopeniteum is a dangerous surgical complication that occurs during any intraperitoneal surgery on the abdominal organs.

Hydropneumoperiteum occurs when the inflammatory process spreads to all layers of the hernial sac (parietal peritoneum, peritoneal sheet of the appendicular process, etc.). The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the mesogastric space with additional displacement of the liquid contents of the abdominal cavity (blood, bile, pus and mucus) into the pelvic area inevitably leads to the formation of areas of flat atembrolia of the peritoneal fold. This asymmetrical deformation of the abdominal wall significantly limits its mobility and contractile force function, which leads to the appearance of hernial protrusions in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis or along the crura of the diaphragm. A narrow or wide funnel-shaped hernia is formed, which, when strangulated, is poorly tightened and cannot be reduced, so suspicion of its presence must be considered during all intracavitary operations followed by laparotomy. After the time of surgical intervention has expired and the purulent process has been eliminated, the peritoneum is excised. If widening of the fascial covers remains between the fasciae, a recanalized hernia is considered to have formed. Removal of the altered tissue, which is located in the anterior abdominal wall, should begin from the inside and lead to less rupture of the peritoneum. If this fails