Coronary artery bypass surgery

Bypass surgery is a life-saver, but its incorrect or delayed diagnosis carries a high risk of complications. At first glance, this is a normal operation. It can be operated routinely during the day. However, if it is performed due to an incorrect diagnosis, there is a risk of serious consequences. And any flaws in medical procedures are most often corrected promptly and more resources are spent on their elimination. This does not mean that bypass surgery is a useless procedure, but the result largely depends on how qualified and attentive the doctors are.

Bypass surgery helps to avoid complications of diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. Ischemic disease in such diseases causes disability and leads to death. This happens because patients die from heart failure, a deterioration of the heart with insufficient blood supply.

Bypass surgery saves the kidneys from inactivity. Blood circulates normally due to the supply of sufficient oxygen. If the procedure is performed incorrectly or not in a timely manner, or if there are other underlying conditions such as hypertension or inflammation of the aorta, surgery can lead to serious complications. For example, to chronic heart failure or serious consequences for the kidneys. The risk is aggravated by incorrect diagnosis. Sensors for determining the localization of narrowing of the artery often do not work correctly. Because of this, confusion occurs

Arterial bypass is a minimally invasive method of correcting blood circulation, carried out by creating an artificial connection between the coronary arteries of the affected area. During bypass surgery, the patient's artery is partially cut and the remains are stitched together using special metal devices or clamps. In this way, an additional communication is established between the vessels so that

Coronary artery bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that is used to treat coronary artery disease. Coronary disease is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system, which can lead to serious consequences such as myocardial infarction and heart failure. Shun