Age Nursery Senior

If you meant “Senior toddler age” - this is the age from 5 to 7 years.

Senior preschool age is the period of development of children from 6 to 7 years old, when they are ready to move on to school. During this period, children continue to actively develop and explore the world around them. They already know how to read, write and count, but are not yet quite ready for serious schoolwork.

At older preschool age, children begin to show interest in learning and new knowledge. They begin to understand that studying is not only fun, but also an important stage in their lives. Children learn to work independently, develop their skills and abilities, and also learn to communicate with peers and adults.

In addition, in older preschool age children develop social skills. They learn to understand their own emotions and those of others, and learn to express their thoughts and feelings. This helps them better understand other people and find common ground with them.

Thus, senior preschool age is an important period in the development of a child. It helps him prepare for new stages of life and learn important skills that he will need in the future.

**Age of the Nursery Senior** Pupils who start attending from 3 years to graduation from kindergarten (age 7 years) are classified into a separate category “middle preschool” in their age group. In addition, the group is determined not only by the age of the child, but also by the section of the educational standard that covers this age stage from the beginning of admission to the completion of the mass preschool education program. According to the general classification of the period of early development, the age from two to three years is traditionally classified as the youngest group, and in the fourth year of life the middle group begins. Often age categories are indicated in relation to calendar time: primary, secondary, senior and preparatory groups. General characteristics of the age of Nursery Senior The specifics of raising preschoolers at this age are explained by the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of children. Children strive to learn as much new and interesting things as possible about the world around them; they still do not know much about themselves and their capabilities; they are easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, which in turn provokes the development of absent-mindedness. Children are easy to control because they still have little control over their actions and their behavior is based on reflexes that tell them what to do in a given situation. But such age categorization presupposes a refusal to increase demands, which are often associated with adaptation to certain living conditions. Adaptation continues in the future, but it is no longer so pronounced. Although it is necessary to take into account that behavioral and psychological changes are very noticeable, the sensitive work of the educator is important, who builds a strategy for guiding his actions as the child grows and develops. According to child psychologists, children may not immediately move away from the state in which they were previously if the teacher allows children who have not reached middle age to engage in too many activities that are only allowed for toddlers. This is due to the rapidity and lability of the children’s psyche, with changes in their behavioral reactions and manifestations, with the desire to have time to see, understand, and try everything. A small child experiences a huge number of emotions and impressions in short periods of time, imitating adults and trying his own strength. They achieve success very quickly, but sometimes require good theoretical training from the teacher or more advanced skills.

In kindergarten, children develop their skills by making their first successes in the child’s personal life, mastering the simplest self-care skills, mastering living conditions, and also improving behavioral manifestations aimed at self-development. It should be taken into account that the period of preschool life is important in the development of the cognitive sphere. The formation of the most important mental processes occurs, and the characteristics of the child’s development in the future depend on whether the conditions of formation were necessary and effective. Based on research by child psychologists