Coronary Insufficiency

Coronary insufficiency

Coronary insufficiency is a violation of the blood supply to the heart due to damage to the coronary arteries. As a rule, coronary insufficiency is caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Spasm of heart vessels aggravates coronary insufficiency.

Depending on the manifestations, acute and chronic coronary insufficiency are distinguished. Impaired blood supply to the heart during coronary insufficiency is the basis for various manifestations of coronary heart disease, such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and others.

In the acute form, sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances occur.

Chronic coronary insufficiency occurs in the form of angina pectoris with attacks of pain in the chest during physical or emotional stress.

For diagnosis, ECG, echocardiography, and coronary angiography are used. Treatment includes drug therapy and surgical methods of myocardial revascularization. Prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is important.

What is coronary insufficiency? Myocardial infarction is a heart disease associated with the formation of necrosis in the heart muscle due to blockage of blood vessels due to thrombosis or progressive stenosis. One of the provoking factors is unstable angina, when ischemia - a state of pathological blood circulation, which is a phenomenon in which the needs of the heart muscle are not satisfied with an adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients, but not accompanied by its necrosis - occurs more often, and in the future the development of myocardial infarction is possible .

Sinus bradycardia is one of the most common types of bradycardia. It occurs when the sinus node generates fewer than the normal number of impulses during the cardiac cycle. Sinus bradyarrhythmia is a temporary phenomenon associated with fatigue, stress, physical activity, consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, beta-blockers (anaprilin); often combined with sinus aritis