Crash Syndrome

Crash syndrome (English Crush - “interpretation”) is a condition in psychology when a person has a so-called “erroneous tactile trace” in his memory, that is, a memory that he applied intense pressure or other contact (for example, rubbing) on a specific part of another person's body. With further communication with the same person, the effect increases and eventually becomes indistinguishable from the conscious evocation of such sensations and memories. The degree of influence increases if a person experiences strong emotions, such as fear or love.

Introduction Crush syndrome is a condition where a person experiences strong emotions towards someone or something that can lead to serious problems in life. It is characterized by excessive attachment, dependence and unwillingness to let go of the object of passion. This creates mental stress and can lead to various diseases and psycho-emotional disorders. In this article we will look at what crash syndrome is, what symptoms accompany it and how you can overcome this disease.

Symptoms of crash syndrome A sign of crash syndrome is too strong emotional ties between a person and the object of his love. A person becomes so strongly attached to this object that he ceases to adequately evaluate his