Crepitation of the Navel

Crepitation and pain in the navel area

Crepitus in medicine is a dull percussion sound that is heard using a phonendoscope and usually appears as a result of the accumulation of air in soft tissues, most often in the abdominal cavities, chest and abdominal cells. The process of crepitation usually involves the appearance of a coma-shaped, dense lump on one side, which, after moving with a finger, quickly changes to a gel-like mass. This process requires special attention from the attending physician and may indicate various pathologies.

We will tell you about the causes of pain in the navel area in this article. But first let’s say a few words about the navel itself. Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs inside the mother's uterus. The baby occupies a strictly defined position in the cavity of the uterus and small pelvis: with its legs it is “positioned” forward, and its head is slightly lowered and occupies the internal parts of the uterus, the baby’s arms are spread in different directions. The baby's lower part depends on the mother's abdominal organs. During pregnancy, a large amount of gases accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall, and then, with the process of contraction of the uterus after childbirth, the gases find an outlet, which is located somewhere near the umbilical cord. This is where his birth comes from.

Let's move on. Gases that have accumulated