Cup-shaped joint

A cup-shaped joint, or nut-shaped joint (lat. articulatio cotylíca) is an articulation of bones that has the shape of a cup-shaped surface. It is located in the elbow joint and allows a person to flex and extend the arm at the elbow.

The cup joint consists of two bones: the radius and the ulna. They are connected to each other using cartilage tissue, which provides flexibility and shock absorption to the joint. The nut joint has several functions, including supporting muscles and tendons and transmitting force from the hand to the forearm.

If the cup joint is damaged, various problems may arise, such as pain, limited mobility, deformity, etc. Treatment may include surgery, physical therapy, medication, and other methods. It is important to see a doctor at the first signs of illness to avoid serious consequences.

It is important to note that the cup joint is a very important joint for a person, and its health affects the overall health of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and undergo regular preventive examinations with a doctor.

The cup joint is one of the types of synovial joints in the human body. It is a joint between the bones of the leg and thigh. Together with the cup shape, it allows the foot to move correctly, providing greater flexibility when walking and running. The joint requires regular care, disease prevention and treatment if necessary.

The structure of the cup joint consists of two condyles (the proximal femur and the distal lateral tibia