
Cyclodialysis: what is it and how does it work?

Cyclodialysis is a medical procedure that is used to treat glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Cyclodialysis reduces intraocular pressure by breaking the connections between the ciliary body and the sclera of the eye.

Cyclodialysis is performed using a special instrument called a cyclodialyzer. A cyclodialyzer is used to create breaks in the ciliary body, which reduce intraocular pressure. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and usually takes no more than 30 minutes.

Cyclodialysis can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other glaucoma treatments, such as laser trabeculoplasty or drainage surgery.

One of the advantages of cyclodialysis is that it can be performed on patients with different types of glaucoma, including open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. In addition, cyclodialysis may be effective in patients who are unable to use other glaucoma treatments due to contraindications or reluctance to undergo surgery.

However, cyclodialysis also has some limitations and possible undesirable effects. Some patients may experience temporary or permanent loss of vision, as well as complications such as hemorrhage in the eyeball or infection. Therefore, before performing cyclodialysis, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the indications and contraindications for the procedure, as well as consider possible risks and side effects.

Overall, cyclodialysis is an effective treatment for glaucoma that can be used in combination with other treatments or as a standalone procedure. However, like any other medical procedure, it should only be performed by a qualified professional after carefully assessing the indications and contraindications, as well as possible risks and side effects.

Cyclodialysis, also known as cyclic dialysis, is a type of cataract treatment that separates solid particles from the solution contained inside the eyeball. Cataracts are calcareous deposits that can lead to various vision problems such as difficulty focusing and blurred vision. During cyclodialysis, the surgeon


Cyclodialization is one of the methods for treating refractive errors. This method has been known for a long time and has been successfully used in medicine. It includes various types of surgical treatment for deformation of the lens, cornea, cutting or injection of intraocular fluid. Cyclodialization is also used to treat astigmatism and phakism.

**Cyclodialysis** allows you to normalize the clarity of vision, reduces the risk of astigmatic eyes and the development of complications. Treatment is carried out using incisions and the introduction of special medications into the anterior chamber of the eye. The use of hormonal drugs or artificial tears after cyclodialization is considered effective. Cyclodialysis treatment is successfully carried out for patients of any age, from newborns to the elderly. Unlike other methods for correcting defects in optical media, this method is widely used for the treatment of congenital bilateral annum pterygium