Arousal Deficit

Excitation deficiency is a condition that occurs in excitable tissues as a result of the absence or reduction of exposure to internal and external environmental factors. It can occur due to various conditions, such as the development of central inhibition, disturbances in the conduction of neural pathways, or sensory deprivation.

Excitation is a process that occurs in the nervous system and other excitable tissues. It occurs in response to various stimuli such as light, sound or touch. When stimulation occurs in the tissues, they begin to work faster and more efficiently.

However, if the influence of internal and external environmental factors decreases or stops, then arousal may decrease or even disappear completely. This can lead to various diseases and disorders in the body. For example, in the absence of light, a person may develop photophobia, and in the absence of sounds, a musician may develop deafness.

In order to avoid a deficiency of excitation and maintain normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to maintain the normal influence of internal and external environmental factors on tissues. This can be achieved through regular rest, proper nutrition, physical activity and other measures. In addition, it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.


Arousal deficiency is a condition in which the body's tissues become less active and responsive to stimuli. In excitable cells such as neurons and muscle fibers, the lack of sufficient excitatory factors can lead to decreased activity and a decrease in the rate of signal transmission. This is often observed with prolonged sensory or emotional isolation, as well as with diseases that lead to disruption of nerve conduction or inhibition of the central nervous system.

Arousal defects can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, infection or injury, illness, certain medications, and insufficient sleep or exercise. It can also occur due to a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors to various stimuli, which can lead to sensory disturbances. Symptoms of arousal deficiency One of the most common symptoms of arousal deficiency is weakness or impaired muscle movement. Some people may experience mood swings, slowed thought processes, or decreased mental abilities. Other manifestations may include problems with attention, memory or sleep, headaches and obesity, as well as problems with concentration, motivation and emotional stability. These symptoms may be occasional or recurrent depending on the condition and age of the person. Additionally, a lack of arousal can lead to digestive problems, weight changes, and exercise intolerance. It is also associated with sexual dysfunction and infertility in many people.