Delirium of Pardon

Delusion of pardon is a syndrome in psychiatry, withdrawal and prolongation psychosis, within which it can be considered as a delusion of relief (the patient’s fantasies that he has already been released from custody, has fluttered free, the sentence has been canceled; in confirmation - a letter from relatives) , and a more severe “severe withdrawal” syndrome with the transition to Munchausen syndrome in the structure of pseudodelusional mania, etc. Typical of alcoholic hallucinosis, BPPV.

It can be observed: when falling into madness (madness) - in the form of the idea of ​​​​intercession by fictitious or real benefactors, who appear as ineffable and undiscoverable sages, appearing either in the form of beautiful ladies, or in the role of scarecrows in the form of ugly old witches; when a person draws pictures for himself, under

The idea of ​​the **tarpaulin "concept" - the theme of delusions of condemnation with its origins in delusions of persecution and influence, as well as ideas of self-harm, has a long, deterministic course. This is what psychotherapy does. For some patients, prepsychic states of delusions of influence develop into a separate syndrome. These patients have anxiety-depressive phases, episodes of paranoid syndrome, which can subsequently develop into delusions of action. As psychiatrists at Cedars-Sinai point out, people often report that they feel like someone is controlling them and forcing them to go in some way as a form of mental torture, and may think the following: "Someone wants break my will and soul. Perhaps that someone could be me."

Psychotherapists recommend several ways to cure this mental disorder: - Individual approach to each patient; - The patient must understand the negative effect depression can have on his health;