
Demodicosis is a chronic skin disease caused by an imbalance of microorganisms living in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The causative agents of demodicosis are microorganisms of the genus Demodex, which also cause demodic dermatitis and fascial hyperkeratosis. The resulting irritation around the opening of the hair follicle leads to the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by discharge, odor and the appearance of a rash on the face, neck, shoulders or chest. Demodicosis is quite common in dermatology, especially among older people (the average age of patients is 40 years). Women suffer from demodicosis lesions of the skin twice as often as men. Statistics show that a high percentage of morbidity occurs in areas with a temperate climate. The disease is least often diagnosed (in rare cases) in the polar zone, where low air humidity contributes to the drying of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, a general disruption of normal processes. Enough