Germinal aplasia

Aplasia germinoma is a rare congenital abnormal formation of the testicles that does not have an embryological origin. Identified in 1935. Location: in the scrotum, but can also reach the seminal vesicles. As the child grows and the size of the testicles increases, the anomaly may migrate from the retroperitoneum to the scrotum or groin area. There is a connection between germinoma aplasia and gynecomastia in men.

The reasons for the development of germinoma aplasia are unknown. It has been proven that hypersecretion of testosterone and dysgenesis of the gonads contribute to tumor growth.

In 7.3% of patients, bilateral germinoma aplasias are diagnosed. Failure of therapy leads to the development of new tumors. In 15% of patients with unilateral aplasia, a tumor appears on the opposite side over time. The probability of developing cancer in patients is 2-15%, organ aproptosis reaches 0.5%.

Clinical manifestations of aplasia: - testicular increase in size; - compression of an organ by a tumor; - pain of varying intensity; - varicocele. Symptom