Depression Tearful

Lacrimal depression, also known as lacrimal duct depression, is a disorder of the lacrimal drainage system of the eye. This condition causes difficulty in the flow of tears and can lead to increased watery eyes.

Tear depression can occur for many reasons, including anatomical abnormalities of the lacrimal system, infections and inflammation, and with age. In older people, the tear drainage system may become less efficient, leading to more tears and watery eyes.

Symptoms of tearful depression may include persistent watery eyes, irritated and red eyes, and frequent eye infections. If tear duct depression goes undetected and untreated, it can lead to more serious problems such as tear duct infections and damage to the eyeball.

Various methods are used to diagnose tear depression, including eye examination, tear leakage tests, and examination of the lacrimal drainage system. Treatment of tearful depression may include the use of local drops and ointments, elimination of the causative pathology, surgery and other methods.

Overall, tear depression is not a serious illness, but it can be uncomfortable and lead to more serious problems if left untreated. If you have symptoms of tearful depression, see your eye doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.