Depression Cyclothymic

Cyclothymia is a non-acute condition in which a person experiences a sharp rise in mood followed by a depressive period. This disorder is cyclical, it occurs, unlike ordinary depression, several times more often, and its main manifestations are frequent mood swings: joyful phases are replaced by sad ones, positive ones by negative ones, activity by lethargy, and so on in a circle. In general, the state of health of a cyclothymic almost always remains at the same level; mood swings are noticeable only to those who communicate with the patient and have the opportunity to track the moments of change in his phases. Another difference between cyclothmia and classical depression is the long duration of the emotional decline phase; it can take a whole day or even more, whereas with classical depression the depressive state is very short-lived. Symptoms are also more pronounced with depression than with cyclothymia.

Symptoms and causes. Classic symptoms of cyclone symptoms include: * mood swings - emotional instability, predominance of either positive or negative emotions; * increased irritability, aggressiveness, irritability; * drowsiness, apathy, decreased interest in favorite activities; * is it reduced?