
Depression is a mental state characterized by depression. A person may be agitated and restless, or, conversely, his actions may be sluggish and slow. A person’s behavior is based on pessimistic beliefs and despair; his sleep, appetite and attention are disturbed.

There are several reasons for the development of depression. Manic-depressive psychosis leads to the development of very severe depression, being the main affective disorder in which there is delusion about one’s own worthlessness, illness, worthlessness, or hallucinations during which the person imagines voices accusing him.

The collapse of unfulfilled hopes and frustration can also lead to the development of depression, which can last quite a long time and be disproportionate to the current situation, especially in dysthymic disorder (formerly this disease was called depressive neurosis).

Treatment is with antidepressants, cognitive therapy and/or psychotherapy. In more serious cases, electroconvulsive therapy may be necessary.

*Depression is a state of emotional decline, which is manifested by apathy, asthenia, guilt and feelings of inferiority. This disease is a frequent visitor to psychiatric clinics. And here it is important to note two things. First, the disease is relatively common. Secondly, it is also poorly studied. What can we say about therapy, if sometimes there is such talk about diagnosis that you can either stand or fall. Let's figure it out.*

*Depression is considered to be an endogenous psychosis. Usually the process begins smoothly, so depression can almost always be suspected. But it also often happens that this disorder is not taken into account at all, preferring to treat the wrong disease. Therefore, I hope for your awareness, well, here you go. The first symptoms are obvious:* -* decreased appetite. There are no longer any bright emotional

Article "Depression"

Depression is a mental state characterized by depressed feelings, lack of desires and interest in anything, but a person may experience anxiety and irritability. The main symptoms of depression are sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, inattention and behavior changes. Cause