
Extermination of rodents that cause economic damage to the national economy, as well as being sources or carriers of pathogens of human infectious diseases. Deratization includes preventive and exterminatory measures.

Preventive measures are aimed at creating conditions unfavorable for nesting, feeding, and, consequently, reproduction of rodents, and at protecting residential and commercial buildings from their penetration.

To do this, grain, flour, vegetables, meat and other products are stored only in bins, in containers inaccessible to rodents. Ventilation passages are sealed with metal mesh, broken glass is placed in rodent holes, their passages are cemented, and basement and attic windows are glazed.

Extermination measures (biological, mechanical, chemical) are necessarily combined with preventive ones.

The biological method of deratization involves the use of cats, dogs and, in some cases, hedgehogs to exterminate rodents. Effective in the fight against rodents in nature is the ban on catching and shooting certain predators: polecats, weasels, kites, owls, harriers, etc.

Mechanical means of deratization include various types of traps. For a more complete catch of rodents, they are fed for 7-10 days on unguarded traps. Only after this the traps are alerted, and the bait must be fresh and free of foreign smell and taste.

Chemical methods of control include the use of various poisons that are mixed with food baits. It is recommended to feed rodents for several days before laying out poisoned baits.

When working with poisons, precautions must be strictly observed. Baits are placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.

In urban conditions, individual deratization is not always effective: rodents usually live in the entire building and when extermination measures are carried out in one apartment, they can leave it. Therefore, the appearance of rodents should be reported to the sanitary and epidemiological station, which can organize a complete deratization of the building.

Deratization: Rodent Control for Health and Hygiene

In modern society, where humans and animals coexist close to each other, one of the most common problems is the presence of rodents. Rats and mice can cause a variety of problems, including food destruction, property destruction, and the transmission of infectious diseases. To solve this problem, a process known as pest control is used.

Deratization is the systematic and organized destruction of rodents in a certain area. It is an important part of the overall plan to ensure health and hygiene in public places, industrial complexes, as well as in the home environment.

The deratization process includes several stages. First, a thorough analysis of the situation is carried out to determine the extent of the problem and the types of rodents present in the area. A strategy is then developed that includes selecting the most effective rodent control methods.

Among the most common methods of deratization are the use of poisonous drugs, traps and devices designed to repel rodents. Poisons can be used using special traps or sprays that can effectively control the rodent population. Traps can be either live, designed to further re-introduce rodents into safe areas, or lethal, designed to immediately kill the rodents.

However, despite the effectiveness of these methods, rodent control can cause certain problems and risks. Uncontrolled use of poisons can pose a threat to pets and wildlife and can also pollute the environment. It is therefore important that pest control is carried out by qualified professionals who use methods that meet safety and environmental standards.

Derat control is an integral part of maintaining health and hygiene in the environment. Rodent control helps prevent property destruction, keep food safe, and reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission. However, it is important to remember that pest control should be carried out responsibly, taking all necessary precautions to minimize negative impacts on the environment and animals.

As a result, pest control is an integral part of rodent control and ensuring safety and hygiene in various areas of our lives. Appropriate control methods and strategies help reduce rodent populations, prevent rodent proliferation, and minimize potential threats associated with their presence.