
Dermacentor is a genus of ticks that belongs to the family Ixodidae and the order Parasitiformes. These ticks carry a variety of diseases, including rickettsiosis, which is a serious disease that can lead to serious complications and even death.

Dermacentor is one of the most common types of mites in the world. They can be found in a variety of climate zones, including deserts, steppes and forests. In Russia, the most common are Dermacentor marginatus and Dermacentor pictus.

Rickettsia vectors, which are caused by R. sibirica, R. helvetica, R. africae, R. japonica, etc., mainly live in forest, forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert landscapes. In Russia, ixodid ticks are most widespread in the Central, Volga, Southern and North Caucasian federal districts.

To prevent infection with tick-borne encephalitis, it is necessary to take precautions when in the forest. You should wear clothing that covers your skin, such as long-sleeved pants and jackets, and a hat or cap. In addition, you should not walk on grass and bushes, as this increases the risk of a tick bite. If you do get bitten by a tick, you should see a doctor to have the tick removed and tested for rickettsia.