Dermatitis Mechanical

Mechanical dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by mechanical damage. It can occur due to certain physical factors such as friction, pressure, contact with harsh chemicals or low temperatures. Mechanical dermatitis can manifest as itching, redness and the formation of cracks, blisters and

Mechanical dermatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin that occurs as a result of mechanical action on it of foreign bodies or substances that cause skin irritation (such as alkali, acid, heavy metal salts, medications, various chemicals and other irritants). Mechanical dermopathy occurs when small crystals of salts contained in washing powder water, soap, and particles from household appliances penetrate the skin, causing irritation.

Mechanical dermatitis is a skin disease, one of the main symptoms of which is an allergic reaction to various types of mechanical irritants (detergents, dyes). This disease is caused by an allergic process that occurs directly in the skin. Nickel is considered to be the causative agent of this disease. Non-antic formic or salicylic aldehyde (also called formic aldehyde). Fire retardant amide, caustic soda plasma, zinc sulfate - all this can cause the development of mechanical dermatitis. According to some data from non-hormonal drugs, treatment is not effective. Therefore, therapy for this disease is a complex complex.

Symptoms of dermatitis include the appearance of erythematous (red) spots on the body, which are called erythema. It can be in the form of a ring or a vesicle (papule) or a rod. The erythema is always clearly defined and does not cross the skin border in particular, its edges remain raised. Damage to the hair follicles and follicles may also be present. Most often, such skin is covered with a crust and cracks form. The course of dermatitis may be edematous. Treatment of dermatitis comes down to relieving the main symptom - skin hyperemia.