Synovialoma Malignant

Welcome to the universe of malignant neoplasms that can affect various tissues and organs in our body! Synovialomas are one of the most terrible diseases that a person has ever encountered. But what is synovium and what is synoval? Let's find out!

Synovia is an unusual tissue that is found in the joint cavity. This tissue provides natural lubrication to your joints and helps them move freely. Synovial is a word that refers to an organism, more specifically a person or animal, that has a genetic defect that results in the formation of additional synovial cells. These cells begin to multiply and form tumors inside the joint tissue.

Synoval syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects more than 2% of people worldwide. This means that every two hundred people are prone to developing synovial syndrome, regardless of gender or age. If this happens to you, you may face a number of problems such as:

Pain and swelling in the joint; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Weakness