Liver Atrophy Red

**Red atrophy of the liver or Reed-Stern-Jurgens hepatomelanosis** is a rare disease of unknown etiology, manifested by lacunar red atrophy of liver tissue (globular cirrhosis?). It occurs mainly in children aged 2-3 years. The prevalence of the disease in most regions is 1:50-1:200 newborns. Also described in adults and fetuses (subacute laparoscopic and postnatal). *Reasons for development* - Not known. It is believed that the disease develops as a result of metabolic disorders of certain substances or exposure to external factors. A combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors is likely to play a role. *Predisposition to the disease can be transmitted from mothers through a recessive trait. _Clinical picture._ Clinical manifestations of red atrophy depend on the severity of the underlying process. In the initial period of the disease, the enlargement of the liver does not exceed the size of the pubis