Dermatofibrosa is a benign tumor that forms from the connective tissue of the skin. It can be dictated by hereditary factors or external stimuli. Dermatofibra is a soft, nodular tumor with a diameter ranging from 0.5 to 3 cm. The skin color is not
Dermatofibrosarcoma is the rarest of all benign skin tumors. Despite its apparent rarity, incidence statistics differ from those for other tumors: it is 8-10 cases per 1 million population, which is 50 times higher than the corresponding figure for epithelial tumors. If we limit ourselves to only 3-5% of tumors that have a tendency to metastasize, then its frequency increases to almost 700-900 cases per year.
Dermatofibrillomatous tumor has not yet been sufficiently studied. However, its occurrence is a characteristic symptom in people aged 40 years and older. Dermatofibrama disease is characterized by rare generalization and intensity of manifestations. Clinical forms are distinguished by a variety of manifestations and the lack of their clear definition.
Atypical and giant forms of the disease in the form of moles and tumors are more similar to malignant formations. Formations (pads, round growths) are formed singly and in multiples, mainly on open areas of the body (face, hands). Diagnosis of the disease is possible due to the presence of characteristic symptoms of the disease. The distinction between recurrent and progressive forms of the disease becomes clear based on the medical history.
Rarely does a relapsing form of the disease occur on its own; more often it accompanies a progressive form of the disease. Dermatofibers are characterized by the emergence of new clinical forms of the disease with constant dissemination of the process, as well as the continuation of old (recurrent) forms with an increase in the number of new formations on the skin.
The etiology and pathogenesis of the tumor process is currently insufficiently studied, which causes the low effectiveness of the treatment. The predominant role of gene mutations in oncogenesis determines the need for its discovery. Epidemiological features determine the trends in the influence of the natural environment on the formation of skin tumors, which consists of mechanical microtraumatization, ultraviolet radiation and the action of environmental factors.