
Country of origin - Slovenia
Pharm-Group - Antimicrobial sulfonamide agents

Manufacturers - Lek DD (Slovenia)
International name - Sulfadiazine
Synonyms - Silverdine, Sulfazin, Sulfargin
Dosage forms - cream 1%
Composition - Active ingredient - Sulfadiazine.

Indications for use - Ointment, cream - superficial wounds and burns with weak exudation, trophic ulcers, bedsores, long-term non-healing ulcers (including stump wounds), abrasions, skin grafts, keratomycosis. Tablets - pneumonia, cerebral meningitis, staphylococcal and streptococcal sepsis and other infectious diseases.

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity, deep purulent wounds and burns with severe exudation, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, insufficiency of liver and kidney function, pregnancy and breastfeeding (stop during treatment), the neonatal period (especially with prematurity) and infancy (up to 3 months).

Side effects - Transient leukopenia with a reduced number of neutrophils, dyspeptic symptoms, erythema multiforme, skin discoloration and necrosis, interstitial nephritis, allergic skin reactions, burning sensation and pain at the site of application.

Interaction - Increases the side effects of anesthetics, amiodarone, anticoagulants and sulfonylurea derivatives, anticonvulsants and antimalarials, cyclosporine. Cimetidine increases the likelihood of developing leukopenia.

Overdose - No data available.

Special instructions - For extensive wound surfaces, it is necessary to monitor the cellular composition of peripheral blood and the function of the liver and kidneys, and prescribe abundant alkaline drinks.

Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004