
Descemetocele is a condition in which the Descemet's membrane of the eye bulges and forms a hernia. This can lead to blurred vision, eye pain and other symptoms.

Descemet's membrane is a transparent membrane that covers the inner surface of the cornea of ​​the eye. It protects the eyes from damage and infections. In Descemetoel, this membrane bulges outward, causing a hernia.

Causes of Descemetoelia can vary, including eye injury, infection, tumors, and other diseases. Symptoms may include eye pain, decreased vision, red eyes, and others.

Surgical methods are usually used to treat Descemetoelia. The doctor can remove the hernia and restore the integrity of Descemet's membrane. After surgery, vision may be restored, but sometimes some residual symptoms remain.

It is important to monitor your eye health and contact your doctor if you experience any symptoms.

Descemotocele is one of the types of pathology of the cornea. The name of this disease consists of three parts: “desceme” indicates that we are talking about Descemet’s layer (d) (he -), and is also translated as “anterior cornea”. The dotted word kele (Greek) translates swelling and protrusion. Descemutocelle is associated with a leaky structure