
Detrition is the process of wear and tear of hard bodies (for example, tooth enamel) through constant friction against each other or through regular use.

Abrasion occurs when two hard objects rub against each other. This leads to gradual wear and tear on the surfaces of objects.

One of the most common examples of wear is the wear and tear of tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is gradually worn away due to chewing and also due to contact with other teeth. Erasure of enamel over time leads to exposure of the softer part of the tooth - dentin. This can cause tooth sensitivity and other problems.

Abrasion also occurs between moving parts of machinery. For example, the gears in a watch or engine wear out from constant interaction. To reduce abrasion, lubricants are used in such mechanisms.

Wear from abrasion depends on the properties of the materials, the friction force and the frequency of contact of the surfaces. To reduce the rate of abrasion, you can use more wear-resistant materials, reduce the friction force or the frequency of contact.

Detrition is the process of wear and tear of hard bodies (such as tooth enamel) through constant rubbing against each other or through regular use.

When abrasion occurs, a gradual loss of substance from the surface of a solid body occurs under the influence of mechanical forces. This may be caused by friction, abrasion or other types of wear.

The most common example of abrasion is the wearing away of tooth enamel during the process of chewing food. The teeth constantly rub against each other, which leads to the gradual loss of enamel and exposure of the softer dentin of the tooth. This process can lead to tooth decay over time.

Abrasion also occurs in moving parts of machines and mechanisms. The surfaces rub against each other, which causes wear and can lead to part failure. To reduce abrasion, lubricants and wear-resistant coatings are used.

Thus, abrasion is a natural process of wear of the surface of solids due to friction. However, excessive erasure can lead to undesirable consequences, so it is important to prevent or minimize its impact.

Abrasion - the process of wear of solids due to their constant friction or use - is one of the main processes affecting the performance and durability of mechanical parts. However, when calculating the durability of materials, this process is ignored. It is no coincidence: both strength calculations and production control provide for testing equipment for resource and service life, respectively.

**Teeth wear:** Every day we perceive at least 700 signals from our teeth. So they don't have to complain. Moreover, they know how to behave. They have many advantages. For example, teeth always work the same under any load. Yes, and in different positions. Let us remember, for example, the game of goalies in hockey. At what intensity and how intensely do they work? They are also under load and in all sorts of positions. But for some, such “work” with the ball is a daily thing. Your teeth don’t have to worry about several operations a month, which are not even performed every year. Although the teeth move like a fist, they never close or open it. However, we repeat once again that teeth are like real wheels for our teeth. How long could a truck, car or bicycle tire last without changing? Also, human teeth could rarely go without replacement.