Development of the Embryo

Development of the embryo

At five weeks the embryo becomes visible. Its length is 5 mm, the heart begins to contract, the spine is outlined, and the brain begins to develop rapidly.

At seven weeks, future legs and arms are visible. The face and eyes take shape, and the genitals are distinguished.

At the eighth week, when the embryonic period ends, the embryo already has a humanoid appearance, although its head is very large compared to the rest of the body.

In the third month, the fetal period begins, when the fetus is nourished by the exchange of blood, nutrients and oxygen between it and the mother. This exchange occurs through the placenta, to which the fetus is attached by the umbilical cord. Inside the uterus, the fetus is protected by the amniotic membrane, a sac of watery fluid that absorbs shock and vibration and maintains a constant ectopic temperature.