Disinfection I (Disinfestatiori)

Disinfection I (Disinfestatio)

Disinfection is the destruction of harmful insects that parasitize animals and humans. Usually insecticides are used for disinfestation, which are applied either locally, in the form of powders, or throughout the premises in the form of aerosols. For example, aerosols are often used to kill flies and bed bugs in a room.

Local application of insecticides in the form of powders is effective for combating lice, fleas and other parasites living on the skin of animals and humans. Such powders are applied directly to the skin or fur of the animal.

Thus, disinfestation using chemicals allows you to effectively combat insects and parasites, destroying them and preventing the spread of diseases.

Disinfection I (Disinfestatiori) - destruction of harmful insects that parasitize animals and humans. Typically, pest control uses insecticides, which are applied either locally, in the form of powders, or throughout the room in the form of aerosols, for example, to kill flies and bed bugs in a room.

Disinfection is the process of destroying harmful insects, parasites, bacteria and viruses that can harm human or animal health. Disinsection is a type of disinfection and is aimed at destroying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs, cockroaches and others.

For pest control, insecticides are usually used - chemicals that kill insects. Insecticides can be used locally as a powder or throughout the area where the insect is located as an aerosol.

One of the most common methods of pest control is the use of insecticides in the form of an aerosol. Aerosols are sprayed onto surfaces where insects are located and penetrate their respiratory tract. This leads to their death.

Insecticides can also be used in powder form. The powder is applied to the surface where the insects are located, after which they die from the action of the insecticide.

Pest control is an important process that helps protect the health of people and animals from harmful insects. However, when using insecticides, precautions must be taken and instructions for use must be followed.