Dhoti Cancer

Dhoti cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the tissue covering the hips and legs. Appears as a growing dark spot. Dhoti cancer is a rare disease common in countries with hot and tropical climates, where it is associated with the daily wearing of traditional clothes like saree, dhoti, etc.

**Dhoti cancer or dhoti cancer** can occur in various places of the body, including the lymphatic system area. Dhoti cancer has symptoms: round tumor; redness; pain and swelling at the site of tumor formation; itching In most cases of dhoti cancer, there is a slowly enlarging pigmented area of ​​the skin. Most often, the place where such a formation appears is the lower part of the buttock, less often - the thigh, below, in the fold between the buttock and the leg. The skin is usually swollen or ulcerated. Thin crusts may form at the edges of the wounds. The skin is inflamed and quite dense. When cancer reaches