
Diakinesis, or diakinesia, is a phenomenon in the physiology of movements, characterized by a violation of the ability to voluntarily regulate motor movements in the absence of the influence of external, mechanical factors on the limbs. This psychophysiological movement disorder is characterized by the inability to stop movements, even if this is caused by negative emotions and fear. It is often accompanied by severe anxiety and depletion of somatic strength. Diakinesia is a violation of conditioned reflex connections, leading to loss of control over motor movements, which makes it difficult to carry out everyday activities, affects the performance of professional duties and is the object of special attention of specialists - psychiatrists and neurologists.

The main symptoms of this disease are: decreased voluntary movement, as well as lack of coordination of some motor acts. For example, in patients with diakinetic syndrome, movements become automated, chaotic motor acts occur or their complete absence occurs without causing suffering or neurological symptoms. In addition, with diakinesis, it is possible to accelerate the pace of movements when trying to stop chaotic jerking movements, and the inability to stop movements after executing a command. Subsequently, against the background of accelerated movements, uncontrolled manipulations and muscle contractions may occur. When movement control is impaired, involuntary acts give the impression of instability and incoordination. In critical situations, when the connection between mental and motor acts is disrupted in the body, reserve mechanisms for processing mental information are activated, so patients with diakinesis syndrome are faster than others in solving problems of varying complexity, from spatial orientation tasks to verbal communication.

Treatment of diakinesis consists of a course of medication (antidepressants, tranquilizers), and in some cases, psychoanalytic therapy.

Diakinesis most often develops as a result of the combined influence of many damaging factors, the most common of which are unfavorable personal conditions. It should be noted both obsessive (obsessive) states associated with pathological attraction, and emotional disharmony, in which, in response to painful influences, increased anxiety, fear, and uncertainty appear, making it difficult to make a decision.

In addition, the culprits of the pathological condition can be a variety of physical, chemical factors (drugs, alcohol, smoking, toxic effects) and infections, accompanied by severe

Diakinesis is an unusual word that describes a phenomenon associated with the peculiarities of people's perception. Diakinesia occurs when a person experiences an overwhelming desire to move in a certain direction, despite external obstacles or conditions. Understanding diakinesis and the mechanisms of its occurrence can lead to new approaches in the field of health, physical education and psychology. In this article we will look at the concept of diakinesia, its causes and possible consequences, and also describe methods that will help prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon.