
Digitoxin is a medicinal substance that increases the contractility of the heart muscle; used to treat heart failure. It acts slowly, but its effect is long lasting. Digitoxin is prescribed orally or by injection; Possible side effects are the same as for digitalis medications.

Digitoxin is a drug used to treat heart failure and increase the contractility of the heart muscle. It acts slowly, but its effects last a long time.

Digitoxin can be given orally or by injection. Possible side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, heart rhythm disturbances and others may occur while using this drug. However, these side effects are usually not serious and go away within a few days.

One of the benefits of digitoxin is that it acts on the heart muscle and increases its contractile function. This may help improve circulation and reduce symptoms of heart failure.

However, it should be noted that digitoxin is not the drug of choice for all patients with heart failure. Before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Digitoxin is a powerful agent for the treatment of chronic coronary myocardial insufficiency

**Digitoxin**, Digitoxin, gets its name from the Greek digos, meaning two, and okina, xinum, meaning extract. It has actions similar to digitalis, drugs from the digitalis group of cardiosubstances from intrathecal heart receptors, and can be used as a diuretic.

Pharmachologic effect. Pharmacological effects of Digitoxic: * Positive inotropic and chronotropic - increases heart rate, contractility of not only cardiac, but also skeletal muscles (vessels and smooth muscles, many glands and tissues of the body). Prescribed for the treatment of rhythm disturbances, it is also applicable in cases of chronic heart failure * hypotensive - when digoxin is prescribed in combination with diuretics (diuretics), the daily urine output by the kidneys doubles. The effect of taking a diuretic is achieved by reducing the concentration of Potassium and Sodium in the blood.

It is possible that the hypotensive effect of the active substance is associated