Disruption of Higher Nervous Activity

Disorders of higher nervous activity are disturbances that arise in the work of higher nerve centers responsible for our perception, emotions and reactions to the world around us. This nervous activity cannot function incorrectly, but can only either weaken or become excessively strong - and then a breakdown occurs that can manifest itself in many aspects of our lives. Here are some of them:

A breakdown of higher nervous activity can manifest itself in various physical and emotional symptoms, such as insomnia, high blood pressure, irritability, fatigue, hyperactivity and many others. Some people may experience this condition immediately after difficult experiences, including the loss of a loved one, divorce, or other difficult life events. But in some cases, symptoms may occur regularly over a long period of time and become more severe. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help to prevent possible complications.

As for the reasons, according to some studies, a breakdown of the higher nervous system can be caused by excessive stress, excess

There are two types of disorders of **higher nervous activity**.

The first type occurs when the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition is unstable. In this case, symptoms of organic changes in the psyche and neuropsychic overstrain are observed. This type of disease is referred to as a nervous breakdown. If a patient first of all thinks about himself and tries to save only himself, this is a manifestation of selfishness, and if, no matter what, he helps people and loved ones, this is the implementation of humanistic attitudes.

But the second type occurs when the reaction under the influence of external factors becomes inadequate. Negative external influences worsen the functioning of the body’s defense mechanisms: criticality towards them decreases, perception processes are superficial, control over one’s emotions is impaired. The result is a temporary loss of sanity. After the situation returns to normal, the process of mental activity is gradually restored. Failures may be repeated. IN