Dystrophy Granular

Granular dystrophy is a rare disease (unlike cancer). Men are usually under 25 years of age. In 60%, the disease will manifest itself in adolescence. The peak of the disease occurs in the age period of 15–29 years. Boys suffer more often. At this age there is a peak incidence of syphilis. This is most likely one of the reasons for the increased prevalence of granular dystrophy. It begins as chronic inflammation. If the treatment is long-term, the outcome is favorable. But if the process lasts less than 9 months, then the risk that the person will die is significantly higher than in previously cured people. 70% of patients may die.

Women do not get this disease. Causes of dystrophic changes in the reproductive organs: Damage to paraovarian tissue. It can occur at a young age or even during intrauterine development. Leads to the formation of cysts and abscesses, as the connection between the lymphatic collectors is maintained. The fabric begins to rot. The manifestation of the disease may be the first sign in girls in the first 5 years of life. Ovarian prolapse, damage to the appendages. Studies have found that diseases can lead to dystrophy and polycystic disease. It can also occur due to violations of the position of the uterus and appendages of a woman.

At the moment, diagnostics are carried out in different ways: Ultrasound - Ultrasound method. By far the most popular. Ultrasound examination helps to detect tumors in the genital organs. Blood tests. Method,

Granular body dystrophy is an ophthalmological term that refers to a degenerative process characterized by atrophy of retinal cells. This term is used to describe degenerative changes that affect specific cells located in the retina. Dystrogia is characterized by signs of degradation of small cells, which leads to blurred vision. Dystrophic changes can develop both due to genetic factors and as a result of nutritional disorders or environmental influences.

The mechanism of granular dystrophy involves changes in cellular metabolism and the structure of the retinal cytoskeleton, which can lead to cell degeneration. Symptoms of dystro