Diverticulum Metanephric

In this article we will look at the medical condition known as diverticulum metanifricum. Diverticula are protrusions of the internal lining of the abdominal cavity through defects in the abdominal wall, usually in the iliac region.

Metanephric diverticulosis is considered a rare disease, which is often accompanied by complications that significantly impair the quality of life of patients. **Let's take a closer look** at what metanephric diverticula are. And also what the diagnosis of “methanophretic diverticulum” means and how the treatment and diagnosis of this disease proceed. **So, let's begin.** By “**Metanephric renal divercula**” we mean dystopic scratch sacs or their remains located between the navel and pubis, that is, located in the scrotum, and in women, in the labia majora. Moreover, as a rule, it manifests itself in childhood in the form of cystic formations. And its peripheral segments are transformed into polypous plaques, constantly growing due to dysfunction of the urinary tract. The moving part of the metanephric diverticulum is the terminal section of the common iliac segment