Divulsor (Divulsor)

A dyvulsor is a surgical instrument that is used to forcefully widen a canal or cavity, such as the urethra. This may be necessary when performing various operations related to the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

A divulsor is a metal rod with a handle, at the end of which there is an expander. It can come in different sizes and shapes to suit your specific situation.

To perform a divulsor operation, the doctor first inserts the dilator into the canal or cavity and then begins to rotate it. This leads to expansion of the canal or cavity and allows further manipulation.

Using a Divulsor can be dangerous and requires a highly qualified doctor. Therefore, before performing an operation, the doctor must conduct thorough preparation and make sure that the instrument is chosen correctly.

In general, the divulsor is an effective tool for expanding canals and cavities, but its use should only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced physician.

It has long been proven that sex is not only pleasure and joy, but also physical health in all aspects. One of the most important aspects is the genital area. Normal functioning of the genital organs is very important for both men and women, as otherwise serious health problems such as infections, injuries and even death can occur. The branch of medicine specializing in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs (including people of different ages) is called urology. Special doctors – urologists – work in this area of ​​medicine. They diagnose and treat many diseases, as well as prevent their development. Professionals in this field will be able to help you and your family prevent the development of various diseases of the genital area, such as prostatitis, impotence, urinary tract infection, etc. In addition, urology is closely related to sexology, which solves many issues that arise in people’s sexual problems. Modern medicine offers various tools and techniques for the treatment of urological diseases, one of which is Divulsor