DNA (deoxyribonucleonic acid) is a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule (polymer) that ensures preservation, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA molecules contain genes - sections of the molecule that encode information specific to each type of organism about the structure of mRNA molecules. genes are made up of triplets - nucleotides, which are a linear sequence of bases. Each nucleotide consists of a deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogenous base (thymine - T for DNA and uracil - U for RNA) and a phosphate group. DNA is a polynucleotide macromolecule formed by two polymerase chains paired in pairs with hydrogen bonds - hence its other name - a double helix. Each chain serves as a template for the synthesis of mRNA - the sequence of RNA nucleotides, according to the instructions encoded in DNA, is read