Dobromyslova Access

Dobromyslova Access: the story of the life and achievements of an outstanding surgeon

Dmitry Dobromyslov, born in 1869, became one of the most respected surgeons of his time. His name has become a symbol of high medical ethics and professionalism. But what made him so famous?

Early in his career, Dobromyslov worked in a Moscow hospital, where his professionalism and ability to make quick decisions were reflected in high patient survival rates. He was recognized as one of the best surgeons of his time and was appointed chief surgeon at one of the largest hospitals in Moscow.

During World War I, Dobromyslov worked in a hospital at the front, where his ability to make quick decisions and treat seriously wounded people became vital to many soldiers. He was noticed by the high command, and he was offered to head the central surgical hospital in Moscow. He accepted the offer, and soon his hospital became a real attraction for the best surgeons and medical students.

Dobromyslov has always been a supporter of teaching and scientific research. He organized medical conferences and courses that attracted leading specialists from all over Russia. He was also active in scientific research and published his results in medical journals.

One of Dobromyslov's most important achievements was the development of a new method for treating hernia. This method, called the Dobromyslov method, was based on the use of antiseptic materials and sterile instruments, which significantly reduced the risk of infection and increased patient survival rates.

Tragically, in 1917 Dobromyslov was arrested and executed during the Russian Revolution. However, his legacy lives on and his achievements in medicine and surgery still impact the lives of millions of people today.

In conclusion, we can say that Dobromyslova Access is not only the story of the life and achievements of an outstanding surgeon, but also a story of love for science, professionalism and high ideals. His contributions to the development of medicine will remain important for many generations to come.

Vasily Danilovich Dobromyslov is a Russian surgeon, one of the founders of the Soviet surgical school. In 1904, he defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow University, was elected private associate professor in the department of general surgery and at the same time a professor at the faculty surgical clinic of Moscow University and head of the purulent surgical department of the Alexander Hospital.

He is the author of numerous works in the field of surgery, general therapy and hygiene. The doctor's scientific works underlie the treatment of many diseases, such as perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute cholecystitis, appendicitis and some others. In addition, he studied the issues of liver pathology, established the pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of traumatic peritonitis, intestinal cuts in children, developed three projections of surgical access to the abdominal cavity, operated on patients with peritonitis due to intestinal obstruction, and perforations of the stomach and intestines. As a result of their implementation, the number of complications decreased and recovery occurred. Also, in the 20s. dealt with problems of anesthesia; developed the lumbar subpill method, which is still used today. His work “On the connection between stomach ulcers and local disorders of the autonomic nervous system” is widely known, which has become one of the fundamental works for the study of gastrointestinal diseases and their prevention.