Fantasizing Hysterical

Fantasizing and hysterical fantasizing: what's the difference? Unfortunately, we often face a situation where we lack the understanding and/or motivation to find the right solution to a problem, which can lead to the birth of internal conflicts, which, in turn, develop into emotional problems. In order to figure it out, there are a number of means of self-analysis, one of which is the ability to understand fantasy and hysterical fantasy. Let's look at a couple of theories on this topic.

According to the results of a study by Louis Gabus, Carl Flynn and David Otto, the manifestation of fantasy in a negative way can be classified as dangerous neuroses. A person prone to pathological fantasies is immersed in illusions and imaginary worlds that negatively affect his psyche and behavior. Thus, the person who fantasizes becomes a high-risk individual, susceptible to adverse influence from others, quickly changing mood and reaction and creating the appearance of anxiety or fear.