Daughters of the night

One who suffers from roughness of the skin and clogged pores with good digestion, sometimes, in the cold and at night, the skin becomes itchy and rough and small pimples appear, called daughters of the night. The main reason for this is the retention, due to the narrowness of the pores, of what should have been absorbed, aggravated roughening of the skin from the cold. This is especially evident during intense digestion, accompanied by abundant formation of steam, that is, at night, which is why such pimples are called daughters of the night, because they most often appear at night. One of the properties of this disease is that the itching is very strong and is initially pleasant, but then turns into severe pain that occurs in the places where it itches.

It is necessary to take measures to expand the pores through bathing and certain rubbing for this purpose, as well as to free the vessels from abundant matter, which is achieved by bleeding and emptying, as was said in the paragraph on scabies, if there is a need for this and local medications are not enough. As for local medicines, sabur and myrrh are the best medicines for this, especially with honey, as well as sabur with lentil flour and a small amount of vinegar, celery juice - one of the liquids suitable for this, wine grounds taken in alone, bavrak, henna and saffron.