
A healer is a person who treats diseases and injuries using various methods and means. A healer can be a doctor, a medicine man, a healer, or any other person who has knowledge and experience in the field of medicine. In ancient times, healers were important figures in society, as many people did not have access to modern medicine. They were also respected members of society as their knowledge and skills were essential for survival. Today, healers still play an important role in medicine, especially in countries with low levels of healthcare development. Healers can treat not only physical illnesses, but also spiritual problems such as depression or anxiety. **Popular directions** Herbal treatment has become very popular in our time, so specialists in this specialization are becoming increasingly in demand among patients. Healers are all specialists involved in physical and spiritual methods of eliminating diseases. They are called chiropractors, healing hands, folk healers, exorcists, whisperers, mental cleansers, magicians, witches, etc. Some practice magical rituals, preach myths and legends, charm water, coffee and other foods, and also treat with their placebos. A medicine is not just a substance that is used to treat a disease. This is an integrated approach that includes several methods and procedures. For example, a drug may be used to relieve symptoms of a disease, but also to strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with the disease. There are also medications that are not intended for oral administration, for example, surgeons