Automatic Grasping and Chasing Phenomenon

The phenomenon of automatic grasping and chasing is an interesting phenomenon that occurs in some people under certain circumstances. This phenomenon can be observed when a person is not aware of what he is doing and his actions seem automatic.

The phenomenon usually occurs in situations where a person encounters something unexpected or dangerous. For example, when an accident occurs on the road, a person may automatically grab the steering wheel and start driving the car without thinking about his actions. In other situations, such as an attack or threat, a person may automatically begin to pursue their goal without thinking about how to do so.

This phenomenon can be caused by various factors such as stress, fear, adrenaline, etc. Some people may have higher stress levels than others, which may result in the phenomenon being more pronounced.

However, although the phenomenon of automatic grasping and chasing may seem dangerous, it can be useful in some situations. For example, in the event of a road accident or attack, this can help save a person’s life and health.

Overall, the phenomenon of automatic grasping and pursuit is an interesting phenomenon that can have both positive and negative consequences.

The phenomenon of automatic grasping is a random, repetitive chaotic motor act characterized by an automatic need to grasp and hold something in the hand. It appears in an individual under severe and/or regular stress, during excitement or anxiety, or when encountering a significant object or event. Observed in the interval 20-90 seconds after. At first impression it strongly resembles a euphoric or pleasant state. The phenomenon is not characterized by will, only an involuntary release of energy.