Receptors Skin

Cutaneous receptors are receptors located in the skin and provide the perception of mechanical, temperature and pain stimulation.

Skin receptors include:

  1. Mechanoreceptors - perceive mechanical stimuli such as touch, pressure, vibration. These include Merkel, Meissner, Ruffini, etc. receptors.

  2. Thermoreceptors - perceive temperature stimulation: cold receptors react to a decrease in temperature, and thermal receptors - to an increase.

  3. Nociceptors are pain receptors that respond to damaging influences - mechanical, thermal, chemical.

Skin receptors play an important role in sensing the environment, protecting the body from damage, as well as tactile sensations and thermoregulation. Information from skin receptors enters the central nervous system, where it is processed and used to form a holistic picture of the world around us.

The cutaneous (dermatological) sensor, located in the skin, ensures that the skin perceives tactile, thermal and pain effects from the environment. The skin sensor is a complex neuronal formation consisting of the outer terminals of sensory neurons, which, when irritated, transmit information to the central nervous system. A nerve impulse, passing through a sensory neuron, activates the structures corresponding to this impulse.

Pearl Henry Oliver "Skin Receptors". Cutaneous perception was one of the key problems for early neurologists. Few people realized how information is transmitted in the skin: whether this transmission is nervous or humoral. Most researchers

Receptors Skin Receptors What are skin receptors? Skin receptors are special sensory organs located on the surface of the skin. They provide the perception of various types of irritations: mechanical, thermal and pain.

> Skin receptors are specialized structures that respond to external stimuli and transmit information to the central nervous system. This allows us to sense touch, temperature and pain.

Skin receptors are divided into two groups: exteroceptors and interoceptors. Exteroceptors are located on the surface of the body and perceive external influences. For example, tactile receptors on the fingertips, tactile receptors in the ears